New Feature Release Log

New Feature Release Log


This article lists new features released onto the Audian Portal.


 New Features
FeatureAppDescriptionRelease DateArticle

Disable Device Call ForwardingSPBXDisables Call Forwarding for a device.06/06/22Not Needed
Ring Group Single RejectCallflowsA setting added to a ring group to fail on first failure.06/06/22Ring Group Single Reject Option
SMS User SettingsSMSAllows you to set SMS user settings06/06/22SMS User Settings
EavesdropSPBXEavesdrop allows a supervisor to listen in on a call of a user they are assigned to.03/17/22Eavesdrop
Admin Number ActivationNumbersGives Super admins the ability to activate port_in numbers.03/1/22/wiki/spaces/SUPD/pages/1580163
Callflow Enable/DisableCallflowsCallflow modules can now be enabled and disabled which will skip the module.03/1/22How To - Skip Callflow Modules
UpdateAppDescriptionRelease DateArticle

Quick Fax RefactorUser Portal, Fax AppUpdated the web fax app.06/06/22How To - Send Fax via Fax Manager App
User Creation OptionsUsersAdd extra settings when creating users.03/1/22

Main Fax Email List ManagerSPBXAdded a list manager to handle adding and removing emails.03/1/22

API RetryCoreAPI's that return large data now will retry on failure.03/1/22

Stream URL ValidationUsers - FeaturesURL Validation.03/1/22

Quick Search Number FilterUser PortalSearch bars now find more combinations of numbers.03/1/22

Account Notes FormattingAccountsAccount Notes now use new line formatting.03/1/22

 Bug Fixes
BugAppDescriptionRelease Date

Record From Browser FixSPXFixed the code and no longer is supported on IE.06/06/22
Homer Time FixCalllogsChanges the time to better find logs.03/1/22
Bulk User Setting Callflow BugSPBX Bulk User SettingFixed an issue where users with no callflows would break the tool.03/1/22
 New Features
FeatureAppDescriptionRelease DateArticle

User Next ActionSmartPBXAllows users to set a users callflow to a next action
How To - Setup Next Action for a User
Bulk User SettingsSmartPBXAllows users to bulk change user settings.
How To - Bulk User Settings
Riff LibraryDevCreated a library to making development quicker12/7See Dev
Duplicate CallflowsCallflowsAllows Super admins to duplicate callflows11/29How To - Duplicate an existing callflow
Polycom Speed Dial AutomataSPBXA new feature for Polycom Devices in the portal11/18One Touch Transfers via BLF Buttons
Directory ExportSPBXAdded the ability to export 09/21/21Not Needed
Super Admin PortingPortingUpdated the porting process to expedite the process for super admins.08/31/21/wiki/spaces/SUPD/pages/1580085
CRM IntegrationSmart PBXAdmins can now add CRM settings to their accounts.08/31/21How To - Enable CRM Integration
Multi-Casting ToggleSPBXCreated a toggle for admins to enable or disable multicast paging07/28/21Multicast Paging
Account Reporting AppAccount ReportingCreated an app that allows users to generate account/sub account reports for users, devices, and numbers and export those reports to CSV.06/15/2021How To - Generate Account Report
Yealink Device Buttons Toggle (DND & Callforward)Smart PBXAdded the ability to remove or enable the callforward and DND button from Yealink devices.05/14/2021How To: Enable/Disable Yealink Device Buttons (DND & Callforward)
BlocklistSmart PBXAdded a module on the front page of SPBX to add and remove blocklists and numbers.04/16/2021How To - Create and Add numbers to Blocklist - SPBX
On Demand Call RecordingCall RecordingOn Demand call recording allows users to dial a star code to start recording an active call.04/16/2021How To - Enable On Demand Call Recording
Easy Block List Add/Removal PopupSmart PBX - Call HistoryAdded a button in Call Logs where users can add a number to a blocklist or remove the number.04/16/2021How To - Create and Add numbers to Blocklist - SPBX
UpdateAppDescriptionRelease DateArticle

Numbers Section Callflow NamesSPBX

Assigned numbers list now shows what callflow the number is assigned to.

11/29Not Needed
Call Recording Owner ID UpdateCall RecordingSee Pull Request MN-22010/22/21Not Needed
Bulk Feature Key RefactorSPBXUpdated Bulk Feature Keys App.10/20/21Not Needed
SMS Auto Response ModuleSMSAuto Responder Option10/12/21Not Needed
AUP Fax Size LimitUser PortalUpdate makes sure that faxes that are over sized show an error message.09/21Not Needed
Hold Music SelectabilitySPBXUpdated Hold Music Select to include more options09/21/21Not Needed
Callfow Number SearchCallflowsUpdated the format used to search for a number in the dropdown search to a more standard format.08/31/21Not Needed
Audian CommonsAudian CommonsCreated a place to code out utility functions and components that are accessible throughout the entire platform for developers.08/31/21/wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/1180031
SliceString Handlebar HelperCoreAdded a handlebars helper to slice a string.08/31/21/wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/1180025
CompareOr Handlebars HelperCoreAdded a handlebars helper that compares 2 options as opposed to the default compare which only handles 1.07/28/21compareOr
SPBX no longer allows ext 8863SPBXUsers can no longer make a user with the ext 8863 as it is used.07/28/21Not Needed
Polycom CCX IconsAllAdded the CCX Polycom Icons to the portal.06/11/21Not Needed
Numbers Change LogNumbersWhen modifying or creating a number for the account the user and account ID's are stored on the metadata information so that last changed by information can be tracked.05/18/2021Not Needed
Call Queues Supervisor SettingsCall RecordingAdded the ability to supervise call queue groups.04/18/2021How To - Setup Supervisor Mode - Call Recording
Call Queues SortingCall RecordingAdded the ability to sort/filter/view call recordings from call queues.04/18/2021Not Needed

Call Recording Storage LimitationCall Recording, Audian User PortalAccounts with no AWS storage setup for their call recordings are now only stored for 60 days. Accounts with AWS storage do not have this limitation.


Call Recordings - Audian Call Recording
Download TTS MediaSmart PBXAdded the ability to download TTS and MP3 greeting media files from the portal.


Not Needed
 Bug Fixes
BugAppDescriptionRelease Date

Call Recording DatepickerCall RecordingFixed the AWS date limiter.09/21/21
Re-Added TranscriptionUser PortalRe-added Transcription to the user portal.06/16/21
Filter By Number FixCall RecordingUpdated the filter by number code.05/25/21
Numbers Scroll IssueSPBX - NumbersFixed an issue where the popup for some of the numbers settings would disable scrolling for the rest of the app.04/16/2021
Call History Date Filter API CallAudian User Portal/Call RecodingCorrected this filter option by adding an API call with filter data to return more effective results.


Device Multi SelectSmart PBXFixed an issue with the search bar and select all devices visible instead of all devices on the account.


Bulk Feature Key Missing User BugSmart PBXFixed an issue where the bulk feature key edit tool would crash if a device had a presence key with a missing user.


 New Features
FeatureAppDescriptionRelease DateArticle
Assign Phone Numbers in CSVCSV AppAdded the ability to add phone numbers to users in the CSV file to upload and assign them to new users being created in the portal.08/05/20CSV Onboarding App
Device Config File ToolSPBX - DevicesSuper admins now have a button in the SIP devices details section for faster support.08/05/20Internal Pending
Custom Callflow DisplaySPBX - UsersAdded the ability to see which users have custom callflows to reduce custom callflows being overridden by changes to the user.08/05/20User Articles
Super Admin Number DeleteSPBX, NumbersOnly super admins are allowed to delete numbers from an account/07/28/20No Article Needed
New Call Recording AppCall Recording

Added a ton of new features and look to the app.

  • Supervisors now only see users they are supervising.
  • Recording filters
  • Forced User Settings, Account Level Settings, and Storage Settings
07/23/20Audian Call Recording
Device Config ButtonSmartPBX - DevicesAdded a button in SIP devices settings that will take you to the devices config file for troubleshooting purposes07/22/20How To - View Config Files
Advanced Callflows in GroupsSmartPBX - GroupsAdded ability for groups next-action to include the main callflow and any advanced callflows.05/27/20No Article Needed
TCP OptionsCoreAdded settings to allow devices or accounts to be set to use TCP for SIP Signaling.05/27/20Set TCP to be used for SIP signaling
Fax Image QualityFaxes, Email to FaxUpgraded fax PDF image conversion to ensure better quality outbound faxes.05/22/20No Article Needed
Dynamic Caller IDDynamic Caller IDAdded application that allows accounts to customize the outbound Caller ID used based on a set of rules05/14/20Dynamic Caller ID
Voicemail CallbackCoreAdded ability to press 9 while listening to a voicemail to call the number back.05/01/20How To - Callback number that left a voicemail

Voicemail Oldest Message FirstSmartPBXAdded option to have voicemail played by oldest message first when listening via your phone.05/01/20How To - Play Oldest Messages First

Directed Extension PickupCoreAdded ability to pick up ringing extensions by dialing *87 followed by the extension number.05/01/20Directed Extension Pickup

User Missed Call AlertSmart PBX - UsersAdded Missed Call Alert feature under Users so that users can be notified via email when a call is missed.05/01/20How To - Enable Missed Call Alerts - User Feature
Send Fax from Fax ManagerFax ManagerAdded ability to send faxes from any faxbox through the Fax Manager App.05/01/20How To - Send Fax via Fax Manager App
Voicemail Media Select - Audian User Portal & SPBX - VoicemailAudian User Portal - Settings

Made a new Media select option for setting users voicemail. Feature includes the options:

  • Text to Speech
  • Web Audio Recording
  • Upload
05/01/20Audian User Portal - Voicemail & Transcription
Settings Tab - Audian User PortalAudian User Portal - SettingsCreated a new section in the user portal called Settings and moved all the user settings options to there.05/01/20Audian User Portal > Settings
Raw Fax Data - Audian User PortalAudian User Portal - FaxesAdded an option in each fax record to see the raw fax data.05/01/20No Article Needed
Audian User Portal CorrectionsAudian User Portal

Refactored and cleaned up a lot of code for the portal. We also added minor feature additions and corrections.

  • Quick Fax Formatting - Dashboard
  • Call Direction for Recent Activity - Dashboard
  • Click To Call Popup CSS
  • All Filters Search Bar CSS
  • Voicemail App CSS
  • Media Player - Call Recording
  • BLF Update Confirmation
05/01/20No Article Needed
Voicemail TranscriptionAudian User Portal - VoicemailAdded the ability to view voicemail transcriptions via email and the user portal.05/01/20Audian User Portal - Voicemail & Transcription
Simplified Call Recording SetupSmartPBX, Call Recording, CallflowsAdded default storage settings so that users no longer need to enter a URL to enable recording in any app.05/01/20No Article Needed
SPBX Voicemail Greeting Browser RecorderSmart PBX - Voicemail BoxesAdded the ability to record greetings from the browser05/01/20How To - Change Voicemail Greeting - SPBX
Device Sidecar SeparationSmart PBX - DevicesSeparated the sidecars from the none sidecar device section. On click a list of sidecar options will display below the model selection.05/01/20How To - Add A Device - SBPX
Callflows Greeting Browser RecorderCallflows - MediaAdded the ability to record greetings from the browser.05/01/20No Article Needed
SPBX Menu Greeting Browser RecorderSmart PBX - Main NumberAdded the ability to record greetings from the browser - Only supported on Chrome05/01/20Virtual Receptionist (Main Number > Auto Attendant)
Call Recording SettingsCall RecordingAdded options in the Call Recording settings to define max recording length and file format type.02/12/20/wiki/spaces/SUPD/pages/1579715
International SettingsAccountSet the international calls settings to off by default when creating a new account.02/07/20No Article Needed


Alternative Email DuplicationSmart PBXAdding an error catch when setting an alt email address that matches the users current email.02/07/20No Article Needed
Default Conference Bridge Required Field and Error HandlingSmart PBXAdded error handling if a user does not enter an ID number.02/07/20No Article Needed
Call Recording DescriptionCall RecordingAdded a description to the feature to clarify what the feature does.02/07/20No Article Needed
Call Recording User FilteringCall RecordingAdded ability for Supervisors to filter recordings based upon users that they supervise.01/13/20How To - Apply Advanced Call Recording Filters
 Bug Fixes
BugAppDescriptionRelease Date
Voicemail Settings ErrorAudian User Portal - SettingsFixed an issue when users who do not have a voicemail box ID matching the users primary ext clicked settings and the page would not load.08/11/20
Number Manager Scroll BugNumber ManagerFixed an issue where the number manager scroll stops working once you delete numbers.07/29/20
Account Provision String GenerationAccountsFixed issue where account provision string was not being automatically generated.05/27/20
Account Creation Button HiddenAccountsFixed issue where buttons during account creation could be hidden under the support chat icon.05/27/20
Sort and Search FixAudian User PortalFixed the issue with sorting or searching breaks Click to Call.05/01/20
Fixed Row HeadersAudian User Portal - ContactFixed the export feature to display the headers in the CSV file.05/01/20
Quick FaxAudian User Portal - FaxesFixed the Quick Fax popup so that it launches now.05/01/20
Call Forwarding ToggleAudian User PortalFixed the Forwarding toggle at the top right to update when forwarding is enabled in Settings.05/01/20
Ring Groups Not Honoring OrderCallflowsFixed bug where in certain instances ring groups would not properly honor the delay order specified.04/30/20
Blank Screen After LoginLoginFixed bug where the user could experience a blank page after login if chat app was not able to be properly loaded.04/03/20
PBX Connector PermissionsPBX ConnectorFixed bug where admins could attempt to set up IP Auth based trunks. These require Audian admins to properly set up and are limited to such now.03/31/20
Audian User Portal RecordingsAudian User PortalFixed bug where if company recordings were set for a AWS S3 Bucket users would be unable to play them through the User Portal.03/31/20
Media Player FixAudian User PortalUpdated the API call to get media for the media player.03/30/20
Conference Entry/Exit TonesConferencesFixed bug where disabling "Play Entry" and "Play Exit" tones did not properly disable these during conference calls.02/07/20
1 Time Use HolidaySmart PBXFixed bug when using 1-time use holidays generating the wrong date.


Alternative Email DuplicationSmart PBXFixed bug by adding a error catch when setting alt email address that matches the users current email.02/07/20
Update Email Disables Fax BoxSmart PBXFixed a bug when changing the email of a user disables their personal faxbox.02/07/20
Call Recording S3 KB LinkCall RecordingFixed the link near the S3 settings in call recording so that it opens a new tab.02/07/20
Account DHCP Provisioning KB LinkAccountFixed the link to open the article in a new tab.02/07/20
User Portal Device Feature Key CSS CorrectionsUser PortalMade CSS corrections to this app feature to act like the Smart PBX version.02/07/20
 New Features
FeatureAppDescriptionRelease DateArticle
Holiday Time RangeSmart PBX - Main NumberIt allows users to set a time range for defined holidays.12/20/19

Holiday Schedules and Office Hours Strategy

Bulk National HolidaysSmart PBX - Main NumberIt allows users to select which National Holidays the company is OOC and adds them all in bulk.12/20/19

Holiday Schedules and Office Hours Strategy

One Time Use HolidaysSmart PBX - Main NumberIt allows the user to define a 1 time use holiday.12/20/19

Holiday Schedules and Office Hours Strategy

Bulk Device RebootSmart PBX - DevicesThis feature allows users to select a group of devices and reboot them.12/20/19How To - Bulk Device Changes
Bulk Device DeleteSmart PBX - DevicesThis feature allows users to select a group of devices and delete them.12/20/19How To - Bulk Device Changes
Bulk Device Feature KeysSmart PBX - DevicesThis feature allows users to select a group of devices and add, change, or copy features keys to all the selected devices.12/20/19How To - Bulk Device Changes
User NotesSmart PBX - UsersThis feature allows admins to add notes to users and will display an icon on the users that have notes.12/2019How To - Add User Notes
Persistent User SortingSmart PBX - UsersThis feature will retain sorting by name or extension after making changes.12/20/19No article needed
Default Conference Bridge SettingsSmart PBX - Main NumberThis feature allows admins to set up a default conference bridge that is not assigned to a user when assigning a company conference number.12/20/19

Audian User Portal - Conference Bridge

Bulk User Device VisibilitySmart PBX - DevicesThis feature allows users to see all of the devices assigned to a user in the user section so that the user can see the device's status easier.12/20/19No article needed
Ability to Name E911 LocationsCoreAdded ability for users to add a location name when setting E911. 11/22/19How To - Set E911 Address and Alerts
Added Auto City/State for E911CoreAdded feature where E911 address city and state will auto populate after a zip code is entered.11/22/19No article needed
E911 Admin AppE911 Admin AppAdded E911 Admin App that allows admins to edit E911 locations, assign devices to locations and easily provide an E911 audit.11/18/19E911 Admin
CSV App - Bulk Add Users/DevicesCSV OnboardingThese upgrades allowed VPM's and new customers to build out accounts faster.10/21/19CSV Onboarding App
CSV App - Bulk Add Feature KeysCSV OnboardingThis feature allows users to add feature keys to all the new devices created in the CSV app.10/21/19CSV Onboarding App
More Robust Fax FeaturesAudian User PortalAdded additional faxing capability so that users can auto generate a cover sheet, merge PDFs and preview in-browser before sending.10/3/19Audian User Portal - Quick Faxing
Audian Chat SupportCoreAdded chat support to Audian Portal.9/27/19How To - Use Online Chat Support
Selectable User Caller IDSmart PBX - UsersAdded ability to select any user number, main number, or account number for a user's outbound Caller ID.9/19/19

How To - Setup User Caller ID

StatusPage EmbedCoreAdded Status Page embedded to Audian Portal so that users will be notified of any outstanding issues or schedule maintenance.9/10/19Need Article - Talk to Anthony
Call Recording Media PlayerCall RecordingAdded more robust media player to call recordings.8/7/19No article needed
AWS S3 Recording StorageCall RecordingAdded ability for users to store call recordings in their own AWS S3 buckets.8/7/19


How To - Setup Amazon S3 for Call Recording

Selectable Page SizeCall RecordingAdded ability for users to select how many call recordings they wish to view per page.8/7/19Disabled
Advanced FilteringCall RecordingAdded advanced filtering so that users can more easily find specific recordings.8/7/19How To - Apply Advanced Call Recording Filters
Made no_match Callflow Admin OnlyCallflowsMoved the no_match callflow into the Admin only section so that normal users would not accidentally modify this.7/31/19No Documentation
Added Voicemail TranscriptionCallflowsAdded Voicemail Transcription option in callflows voicemail section.7/31/19/wiki/spaces/SUPD/pages/1580321
Name and Number Boxes for Speed DialSmart PBX - DevicesAdded separate Name and Number input boxes for Speed Dial settings.7/31/19How To - Setup Feature Keys (BLF)
User Billing SettingsSmart PBX - UsersAdded internal user to designate users as common seats or non billable. 7/31/19Internal - Article Needed
Added New Device SupportSmart PBX - DevicesAdded support for most recent Yealink and Polycom devices.7/30/19No article needed
Click to CallCall RecordingAdded click to call functionality on numbers displayed in recording rows.7/15/19No article needed
Inbound and Outbound CNAMCall RecordingAdded ability for users to see inbound and outbound CNAM name associated with recordings.7/15/19No article needed
Name and Number Boxes for Speed DialAudian User PortalAdded separate Name and Number input boxes for Feature Key Speed Dial settings.7/8/19No article needed
Supervisor ModeCall RecordingAdded "Supervisor Mode" so that admins can designate call recording supervisors that can only view a subset of user recordings.7/3/19How To - Setup Supervisor Mode - Call Recording
3-Way Vlan SettingSmart PBX - DevicesAdded 3-way vlan selector so that devices can have a vlan set, none, or use account default.5/19/19Set Custom VLAN settings
CallQueue Viewer AppCallQueue ViewerAdded CallQueue Viewer App so that users with queues can view status of queue members.5/13/19How To - Access the Call Queue Viewer
Provision Zone SelectorAccountsAdded Zone Selector to Accounts Provision section so that super admins can set which zone devices register to.4/17/19/wiki/spaces/SUPD/pages/1578751
Provision Zone SelectorSmart PBX - DevicesAdded Zone Selector to devices section so that super admins can set which zone specific devices register to.4/16/19/wiki/spaces/SUPD/pages/1578751
Voicemail Reset OptionSmart PBX - UsersAdded feature to reset voicemail box to prepare for a new user.3/13/19/wiki/spaces/SUPD/pages/1578406
Voicemail TranscriptionSmart PBX - UsersAdded ability for admins to enable voicemail transcription per user.2/25/19/wiki/spaces/SUPD/pages/1580321
 Bug Fixes
BugAppDescriptionRelease Date
Users Unable to Change PasswordControl CenterFixed issue where users were unable to update their password from the Control Center.


Porting In Numbers Added to Users FailSmartPBX - UsersFixed issue where numbers in the port-in state would throw an error when added to a user.12/23/2019
Supervisor Recordings Fail to LoadCall RecordingFixed issue where call recordings would fail to load if one or more of the users supervised were removed from the system.12/11/2019
Number Filtering Not Filtering ProperlyCall RecordingFixed issue where some filtering would sometimes not work depending on if the to/from number had a +1 in it or not.


Direction Sometimes InaccurateCall RecordingFixed bug where direction label could be inaccurate based on how call recording was set up on an account.11/22/2019
Inability to Scroll After Updating e911CoreFixed bug where users were unable to scroll on a page after updating an e911 address.11/22/2019
Direction Sorting Non-FunctionalCall RecordingFixed bug where call recording could not be properly sorted by direction.10/16/19
Complex Account Recording SettingsCall RecordingSimplified account level call recording settings to be more clear to the end-user.10/16/19
Fax Size LimitAudian User PortalFixed bug where max fax size was not properly being calculated with multiple file uploads.10/4/19
User Level Recordings Not VisibleCall RecordingFixed bug after system upgrade where user level call recordings were not visible.9/23/19
Account Line Formatting in Chrome 78+AccountsFixed bug where on Chrome V78+ account data lines would flicker and auto expand. 9/9/19
User Creation Tab OrderSmart PBX - UsersFixed bug where tab order was incorrect when creating a user.9/9/19
Plus 1 Being Appened to ExtensionSmart PBX - UsersFixed bug where a +1 was being improperly appended to extensions.9/3/19
Device Creation FailingSmart PBX - DevicesFixed bug where devices where ID didn't match Name would fail to provision once created.8/26/19
User Devices Failing to ProvisionSmart PBX - UsersFixed bug where MAC addresses were not being saved in lowercase and could fail to provision.8/26/19
Header Bar Overflowing ScreenAudian User PortalFixed bug where long names could cause the header bar to overflow a user's screen.8/23/19
Filtering Extensions with +1 PrefixCall RecordingFixed bug where filters would not work properly for extensions beginning with +1.8/8/19
E164 Formatting for Phone NumbersCall RecordingFixed bug where phone numbers were not being displayed in friendly E164 format.8/8/19
Inability to Edit SoftphoneSmart PBX - DevicesFixed bug where users could not view Softphone credentials in certain instances.8/8/19
Feature Key Popup OverflowingSmart PBX - DevicesFixed bug where Feature Keys could overflow the popup window.7/31/19
Viewing Recordings as SuperadminCall RecordingFixed bug where superadmins could not view recordings across other accounts.7/8/19
Header Bar Displayed TwiceAudian User PortalFixed bug where top header bar could be displayed twice in certain circumstances.4/30/19
Header Bar Data Display FixesAudian User PortalFixed bug where top header data was sometimes improperly displayed.4/9/19
Updated Fax Send MessageAudian User PortalUpdated fax send message to be more clear.4/9/19
Device not Rebooting on Save and RebootSmart PBX - DevicesFixed bug where devices would fail to reboot on Save and Reboot when changing SIP Credentials.2/25/19

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