How To - Setup Supervisor Mode - Call Recording


Supervisor mode allows your admins to designate supervisors that can only view a subset of call recordings based on which users they supervise. Once enabled, these supervisors will be able to view, download, and play recordings only from users that they supervise. Any users not designated as supervisors will be able to view all recordings account-wide.

This article will show you how to do the following.

  • Setup Supervisor Mode
  • Supervise Users or Queues

Note: This feature is only available to customers with Call Recording enabled and it must be enabled at the user level through SmartPBX. Account-wide recordings are not linked to specific users and therefore cannot be used this way.


 Grant Supervisors Access to Call Recording App
  1. Login to the Audian Portal.
    • Note: Must be logged in as an administrator.
  2. Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
  3. Open the App Exchange on the left.

  4. Click on the Call Recording application.
  5. Under Who can use you this app? select Specific Users, and then click No selected users.
  6. Ensure that all Admins and Supervisors you wish to have access to Call Recordings are selected, and then click OK.
  7. Finally, click Save.
 Setting Up Call Recording Supervisors
  1. Login to the Audian Portal.
    • Note: Must be logged in as an administrator.
  2. Click the 9 square button 1at the top right of the screen.
  3. Select Call Recording from the applications list.
  4. Click User Settings at the top.
  5. Click the Edit Supervisor Settings icon for the user to be set as a Supervisor.

  6. Click the Disabled toggle switch to Enabled.
  7. Toggle the Supervise Type to Users or Queues.
  8. Drag and drop users, who you wish to be supervised by this user, from the Available Users column to the Supervised column, and then click Save Changes.