How To - Add A Device - SBPX

How To - Add A Device - SBPX


This article will show you how to do the following:

  • Add a new device (SIP Phone, Softphone, Cellphone, Fax)


  1. Login to the Audian Portal.
  2. Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
  3. Click on the Smart PBX app.
  4. Click Devices on the left.

  5. Click Add Device at the top.

  6. Select the type of device being added.

  7. Continue to follow instructions below depending on which option you select in the previous step.


 SIP Phones:

SIP Devices are desk phones with the capability to use the internet.

  1. Select the Manufacture.

  2. Select the Model.
  3. If the selected device supports the use of a sidecar, an option will appear to select version with sidecar. Select the preferred option.
  4. Fill in the Device Name

  5. Fill in the Mac Address listed on the back of the phone.
  6. Click Create Device.
 Cell Phones:

This option is used to add personal cell phones to call flows..

  1. Fill in the Device Name, the Number, and Assign To preferred user.

  2. Click Advanced and verify the settings.

    1. Allow use of cellphone voicemail.
      • Disable this setting if you do not want the cellphone to override the call flow.
    2. Keep Original Caller-ID
      • Enabled allow your inbound calls to retain the original callers Caller-ID
    3. Hide from Contact List
  3. Press Create Device.
  1. Fill In the Name.
  2. Fill in the SIP URI.
  3. Press Create Device.

NOTE: This method is only for the Zoiper application, when downloading the application from the Audian website it is pre-configured with required Username and Password for the user it is created for.

  • To use the Bria Enterprise application, please have an account admin send a request to 611@audian.com.
  1. Assign a Name to the new Softphone device, and then click Advanced.
  2. Click the Download button and follow the prompts to install the Zoiper application.
  3. Click Create Device.
    • Note: If creating this device to be used on a smartphone, right click on the Download Zoiper button, select Copy Link Address, this URL can then be pasted in an email to the user, once the link is selected it should direct them to the Application store for their particular device (Android or iOS).

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