CSV Onboarding App


This article will show you how to do the following.

  • Column reference settings
  • How to bulk add new users with or without devices, softphones, and feature keys with the Audian excel sheet.

CSV File: Audian-CSV-Sheet 2.1.xlsx

Column Reference:


Field Description




A name

last_nameRequiredA name

An email address

extensionRequiredA number
passwordRequiredA combination of letters, numbers, and symbols
phone_numberOptionalPhone numbers assigned to the user that exists on the account.
mac_addressOptionalThe MAC address of the phone

No Device: Can be left blank or labeled as None

Device: Reference the list of valid brands located in the Audian-CSV-Sheet


No Device: Can be left blank or labeled as None

Device: Reference the list of valid families located in the Audian-CSV-Sheet


No Device: Can be left blank or labeled as None

Device: Reference the list of valid models located in the Audian-CSV-Sheet


No Softphone: Can be left blank or labeled as no

Add Softphone: label the cell as yes


 1. How to Fill Out The Form

Description: The form uses data validations to include all of the devices Audian has configuration files for. You will need to copy these fields in order to add more users.

  1. Open the Audian-CSV-Sheet.
  2. Determine how many users you would like to add then select the brand, family, model, and softphone cells labeled as None.
  3. Hover your mouse pointer over the bottom right corner of the selected cells where the green square is located, you should see a + symbol appear.
  4. Click and drag the mouse down equal to the number of users you would like to add and then release the click.

  5. Next, fill out the rest of the fields for each user you would like to add.

  6. For each new user assign the brand, family, and model by clicking on the drop-down for each cell.

    If you do not see a specific device in the list, leave the device section blank and add it from inside the Smart PBX app.

  7. Set the softphone cell to yes if the users who need softphones.

  8. Save the file as a CSV format.
 2. How to Bulk add Users, Devices, and Feature Keys
  1. Log in to the Audian Portal.
  2. Click on the Apps button and select CSV Onboarding app.
  3. Click on the link or drag and drop the file to upload it.
  4. Click on the Proceed button.
  5. Click on the Proceed button again once you have verified the first 5 entries and if no error messages are prompt.
  6. Use the drop-downs to add feature keys as needed for all the new devices.
  7. Click the Proceed button again to apply the feature keys or press cancel to not add feature keys.