AO - Account Setup

AO - Account Setup


The Audian Onboarding Setup process will walk you through setting up you users, numbers, devices, and required documents required to setup your account.

Import Main Numbers

In this step, we're focusing on importing the main phone numbers for each location you'll set up in the next step.

Locations are classified based on addresses. For example say you have a main office, and a remote office. You would import the main phone numbers clients call for the business and the numbers assigned to a remote office.

  1. Navigate to the Setup page by clicking the Setup button in the nav bar on the right.

  2. Click the Add Numbers button at the top.

  3. Fill out the form and click Create.

  4. Add any additional main numbers if needed.

    • Each location needs a phone number.

  5. Click the Complete button at the top right.

Create Locations

Locations contain your users, phone numbers, and devices based on the address they reside at for E911 purposes.

Locations uses the address to create E911 forms. E911 is used by emergency 911 responders know where to go when a device at that location dials 911. So if you have a main office where most of your employees work and some remote workers, you will want to create individual locations for those remote workers or branch offices.

  1. Navigate to the Setup page by clicking the Setup button in the nav bar on the right.

  2. Click the Create Location button at the top.

  3. Fill out the form and click Create.

  4. Add any additional locations if needed.

    • If you need to add additional numbers then click on step 1.

  5. Click the Complete button at the top right.

Create Users, Numbers, and Devices

In this section we will import users and devices per location using the CSV Importer to bulk import users and devices or manually one at a time. Once you have created at least 1 user you can continue onto the next step.



Your inventory is setup by your onboarding rep based on your sales order. If you exceed the inventory you will need to contact your onboarding rep to get this adjusted.

  1. Navigate to the Setup page by clicking the Setup button in the nav bar on the right.

  2. Either click the CSV Importer button or the individual buttons.

    1. CSV Importer: AO - How to CSV Import Numbers, Devices, Users

    2. Numbers: AO - How To Add Phone Numbers

    3. Devices: AO - How To Create A Device

    4. Users: AO - How To Add Users

  3. Click the Complete button at the top right.

    1. This will lock your account, that means you wont be able to add new resources to the account. The remaining steps in the setup will use this data to generate required forms before service can start. IF you need your account unlocked please contact your rep.

Create E911

In this section we will create E911 forms that are required for all locations so in the case of an emergency 911 can lookup the location.

AO - How To Create an E911 Request Form

Create LOA

LOA’s are forms used to port your phone numbers from your old carrier over to Audian’s phone number carrier.

AO - How To Create an LOA Form

DocuSign Signature

In this section you will submit your LOA and E911 forms for review. Then an onboarding rep will review the forms before sending you a DocuSign request to sign the forms.

  1. Review you account resources, E911 and LOA forms, if everything looks right click on the Submit button.

  2. A popup will appear where you can enter the name and email for the person who will be signing the forms.

  3. Afterwards our onboarding team will be notified that you account is ready for review. At this point we will approve or deny the request.

    1. If approved DocuSign will send an email to the signer to sign the documents.

    2. If rejected the account will be unlocked and pushed back to the Create User, Devices, and Email step and the signer will be notified of the rejection and a reason why.

  4. Once the documents are signed you will be able to download a CSV of all the account resources and a CSV to use in the Audian VoIP portal to build out your account resources, this will most likely be done by your Audian rep.


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