SMS Registration

SMS Registration

As you are aware, in the past few years there has been a large push across the country to cut down on fraudulent phone calls and spam text messages.  As part of this effort, the FCC is now requiring that all companies that send or receive SMS messages be registered with an organization called The Campaign Registry in order to reach customers on their network.  When fully implemented, this will drastically cut down on spam SMS messages and ensure recipients have ability to easily opt out of or report spam messages. The downside to this progress is increased cost in the form of fees that the mobile carriers (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile) are charging carriers for this registration.

What do we need from you?

Simply put, we need to register your company in order for you to be able to send or receive text messages. 

If you have any questions on this form, please feel free to reach out to our support via 611@audian.com or give us a call at 844.611.6110 Option 2. Additional information on how to fill out this form is below.

Audian SMS Form LINK 

What is the cost?

There are two components to the SMS registry fees, a "registration" fee of $75 to initially register your company and then a monthly fee of $30 thereafter plus 1$/SMS enabled phone number on the account, these prices are subject to change.  There is a 60$ resubmission fee, if the initial information provided is incorrect and we have to resubmit for approval. These fees are the same regardless of the number of phones or users you have.  Should you register and fill out the form, the charge will appear on your next bill until cancelled in writing, by emailing accounting@audian.com

Other Important Changes

Automated Opt-Out and Help

The first time you send an outgoing SMS to a new number we will automatically attach text at the bottom letting the recipient know about the STOP and HELP commands.  If they wish to no longer receive messages from you, they can simply reply STOP and no further messages will be allowed through the system.  Alternatively, they can reply HELP to learn more about this process and their options.

Using URL Shorteners

As part of these new restrictions, messaging using regular URL Shorteners, which are commonly abused in phishing scams, will cause your SMS numbers to be permanently blocked.  Should your company require these in their messages, Rebrandly is an approved URL shortener that can be safely used.

Appropriate Content

As the FCC and Mobile Carriers continue to update their guidelines around appropriate messaging content, it’s extra important that your messages abide by these rules.

The industry-specific acronym S-H-A-F-T is a helpful reminder for content/subjects that must be avoided:

  • Sex
  • Hate Speech
  • Alcohol
  • Firearms
  • Tobacco

How To Fill out the SMS Registration Form

Legal Company Name: This should be your company name as it is on all your legal documents. 

DBA Name: If you have a DBA, list it here. If you do not, leave it blank. 

EIN: Your Employer Identification Number. 

EIN Issuing Country: The country that issued your EIN. 

Company Type: Please select whether you are a For Profit Private, Not for Profit, or Government Entity.

Billing Telephone Number: The telephone number that you can be reached at for billing purposes. 

Billing Email Address: The Email Address that you can be reached at for billing purposes. 

Main Contact Name: Typically the Owner of the company or any other contact that you would designate as the "Main Person".

Main Contact Phone Number: The phone number of the main contact. 

Main Contact Email Address: The Email Address of the main contact.

SMS Support Phone Number: The phone number that end users may dial in case of issues pertaining to your SMS use. 

Company Address: Your company physical address. 

Website: Your Company Website.

Vertical: Your company vertical designates what type of company you are. For example. Audian would be listed as "Technology".


We are required to register two use cases that you may use when contacting your end users, and will need to have you fill out the below information for each. 

SMS Use Case Description: A brief description of what you may use in an outbound SMS. For example, as Audian I may say "Voicemail Delivery Notification".

SMS Use Case Category: Select a category that may further describe what your SMS is about. In the above example, I would choose "Account Notification*.

Content Attributes: If you are adding links or telephone numbers in your outbound messaging, please list that you are here. 

Sample Message: A sample of your message. For example for an Audian Voicemail notification you may receive "One new voicemail from (Caller ID Name) - Check email for details".

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