How To - Assign Extensions & Phone Numbers - SPBX

How To - Assign Extensions & Phone Numbers - SPBX


This article will show you how to do the following:

  • How to assign an extension and a phone number to a user.


  1. Login to the Audian Portal.
  2. Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
  3. Click on the Smart PBX app.
  4. Click Users on the left.
  5. Click the user's Extension field.
    • Note: New users will require an extension to be assigned at creation, some older users may not have extensions, some features will not work until one is assigned.
  6. Click Add an extension to this user.
  7. Enter in the Extension Number.
  8. Click the Save Changes button.

 Phone Numbers
  1. Login to the Audian Portal.
  2. Click Users on the left.
  3. Click on the Phone Numbers field for the preferred user.
  4. Click Add from Spare Numbers.
    1. If you need a number, click Buy Numbers.
  5. Select the number
  6. Click the Save Changes button.