Ring Groups
Ring Groups
- Eric Ronhovde
Owned by Eric Ronhovde
This article will show you how to do the following.
- Create a User Ring Group
Create User Ring Group
- Login to the Audian Portal.
- Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
- Click on the Smart PBX app.
- Select Groups from the left.
- Click Add Group at the top.
- Enter a Group name and Extension Number for the group, select the desired Users or Devices from the drop-down boxes.
- Note: Clicking Find One will show you a list of existing extensions already assigned to the account.
- Note: Clicking Find One will show you a list of existing extensions already assigned to the account.
- Click Create Group to save your changes.
- The ring group has been created.
Manage Ring Groups
- Login to the Audian Portal.
- Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
- Click on the Smart PBX app.
- Select Groups from the left.
- From the Groups menu, click the name field of the group.
- From here you can, Rename, Delete, or change the number of attempts the group will be dialed. Make sure to click Save Changes as needed.
- Clicking the Members field will allow you to adjust what order and for how long a user is rang. Make sure to click Save Changes as needed.
- Clicking the Extensions field will allow you to add or remove extensions as needed. Make sure to click Save Changes as needed.
- Clicking the Phone Numbers field will allow you to assign a direct phone number to the group. Make sure to click Save Changes as needed.
- Clicking the Features field will allow you to enable and disable Group level features.