

Voicemail is a voice message that a caller leaves when the person called is absent or is busy with another conversation. The voicemail feature acts in a way similar to the old answering machine, but with the main difference that instead of the voice message being stored on your answering machine, it is stored on the service provider's server, in a space reserved for the user called a mailbox. It is not very different from email, save that the messages are voices instead of text.


Besides recording and playing sounds back, you can do the following:

  • You can receive voicemail messages from multiple callers at the same time.
  • Using the Audion User Portal, you can forward voicemail messages to other people's mailbox.
  • Store voice messages indefinitely.
  • Be notified of the arrival of a voicemail through E-Mail.
  • Transfer and save voice messages to storage media like your hard drive, which can also be sent as an attachment with email messages.
  • Playback your voicemail online, by email, or by calling in from another phone.
  • Voicemail Transcription is also available, this is a paid add-on feature to the normal Voicemail system. To add this feature, please have an account admin contact Sales@audian.com. 

How To - Check Voicemail

How To - Voicemail Controls

Voicemail Manager

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