Dial-By-Name Directory

Dial-By-Name Directory


This article will show you how to do the following.

  • Setup a Dial-By-Name Directory


 Smart PBX Virtual Receptionist
  1. Login to the Audian Portal.
  2. Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
  3. Click on the Smart PBX app.
  4. Select Main Number from the left.

  5. Select Incoming Call Handling.

  6. Click the Virtual Receptionist link.

  7. Click Add route.

  8. Click the Press drop-down menu and select the preferred numeric option, then click the second drop-down menu and select SmartPBX Directory.

    • Note: This is the default directory, this directory will list all users that have the Include User in the Company Directory option checked. Custom directories can be created via Call Flows.
  9. Set your preferred Greeting, and then click Save.
 Custom Directory via CallFlows
  1. Login to the Audian Portal
  2. Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
  3. Click on Callflows, then click on Callflows once more.
  4. Select Directory.
  5. Click Add from the top left.
  6. Give the directory a name.
  7. From the Add User section on the right, set the User AND callflow via the drop-down menus, and then click the Add this user to the directory link.

    • Note: A callflow MUST be set, but it does not have to be the default callflow for that user. (Example: A caller wants to talk to the CEO, you can set the callflow to actually ring their assistant by selecting that users SPBX callflow from the menu)
  8. Once all users have been added to the directory, click Save.