How To - Add a Call Queue

How To - Add a Call Queue


This article will show you how to do the following:

  • Adding a new queue to the Call Center Basic app


  1. Login to the Audian Portal.
  2. Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
  3. Select the Call Center Basic application.
  4. Click the Add New Queue button.

  5. Enter the Queue Name, and then click the Call-in Number or Ext. drop-down menu.

  6. Select a spare number or Assign a New Extension for this call queue.

  7. Click the Next - Queue Configuration button at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Next, set the Queue Routing Strategy, the Hold Treatment, Queue Timeout, Queue Call Limit and the Escalation options if desired, and then click Next - Agent Settings.
  9. Now, set the Agent Recovery Time, if you would like the system to set an agent to Away if a call is missed, toggle the Force Away on Rejected/Timeout toggle switch to Enabled, set the Agent Connect Timeout setting, and then click Create Queue.
  10. The new Call Queue has been created.