User Settings - Audian Call Recording

User Settings - Audian Call Recording


  • Filter By User/Supervisor: Clicking on either Supervisor or Users at the top right of the screen will filter the list by what is selected which will allow an admin to manage user settings easier.
  • Search Bar: Allows an admin to narrow down the list of users.
  • User Table: Allows an admin to see which users are supervisors or general users and what call recording settings are enabled.
  • User Supervisor Settings: Allows an admin to specify what call recordings a user sees when they log into the Call Recording app.
  • User Recording Settings: Allows an admin to set users' recording settings to either account default or overridden. See Account Settings article for more information on Account Default settings.

A user on the account must be an admin to see and access making changes to the User Settings tab.


Call Recording Direction Icons:

In the Inbound and Outbound columns display what recording settings are enabled for that user.

Icon Colors:

  • Blue: User Manual Settings
  • Green: Account Forced User Settings

User Manual Settings(Blue) override Account Forced User Settings(Green)


InboundOnnetRecords user incoming calls from another user on the Audian Network like ext to ext calls.

InboundOffnetRecords user incoming calls from a number from outside the Audian Network like a cell phone.

OutboundOnnetRecords user outbound calls to another user on the Audian Network like ext to ext calls.

OutboundOffnetRecords user outbound calls to a number outside the Audian Network like calling a cell phone.

InboundOffnetRecords account level incoming calls.

OutboundOffnetRecords account level outbound calls.



NAThe user is not being recorded in this direction.

Supervisor Settings:

User Supervisor Settings: Allows an admin to specify what call recordings a user sees when they log into the Call Recording app.

  1. Click on the Supervisor Settings icon
  2. Enable or Disable the setting with the toggle at the top.
  3. Drag and Drop users to the supervised section that this supervisor will supervise.
    1. Drag them back to the Available Users section to remove them from the supervised list.
  4. Click the Save Changes button to apply the changes.

User Settings:

User Recording Settings: Allows an admin to set users' recording settings to either account default or overridden. See Account Settings article for more information on Account Default settings.

  • Default: When user recording settings are set to default this means that this user is using the Forced User Account Recording settings.
  • Override: When user recording settings are set to Override this means that it is using customized recording settings that are controlled here.
  1. Click on the User Recording Settings button
  2. Set the top toggle to Override.
  3. Set the recording settings and additional settings.
  4. Click the Save Changes button.