Account Settings - Audian Call Recording

Account Settings - Audian Call Recording



This article will show you how to do the following.

  • Force Record Entire Account: Allows an admin to enable call recording over the entire account.
    • This includes calls into the main numbers and call's made outbound.
  • Force Record all Users on Account: These settings force all users on the account that are set to default call recording and allows an admin to enable call recording across the entire account quickly.
  • Storage Settings: Allows accounts to save their call recording on an AWS S3 server instead of saving recordings on Audian servers.
  • On-Demand (In-Call) Recording: When enabled, this setting will allow you to set a * Code to toggle call recording on for the remainder of the current call.

Note: Accounts without AWS storage setup for their call recordings are now limited to 60 days worth of storage. Accounts with AWS storage do not have this limitation.


Force Record Entire Account:

Allows an admin to enable call recording over the entire account.

  • Inbound Calls: This allows an account to record incoming calls to the main number or any users from numbers outside the Audian network.
  • Outbound Calls: This allows calls made from users to numbers outside the Audian network to be recorded.
    • Note: This does not record calls made from a user to another user via extensions. To do this, see Force Record All Users on Account.

Force Record All Users on Account:

These settings force all users on the account that are set to default call recording and allows an admin to enable call recording across the entire account quickly.

Storage Settings:

Allows accounts to save their call recording on an AWS S3 server instead of saving recordings on audian servers.

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