How To Change the Voicemail Greeting - IP 330

How To Change the Voicemail Greeting - IP 330


This article will show you how to do the following:

  • Access and change the Unavailable greeting for your Voicemail box


  1. To access the voicemail box, you can dial *98, and then press Dial, or press the Line 2/Voicemail button.
  2. Enter your password and press #
  3. Press 5 to change your greeting
    1. Press 1 to record your away greeting.
    2. Press 2 to record your name
  4. Record your greeting and press any key to stop recording.
    1. Press 1 to save your greeting.
    2. Press 2 to replay your greeting.
    3. Press 3 to re-record your greeting.