How To - Send Virtual Faxes Online

How To - Send Virtual Faxes Online


This article will show you how to do the following:

  • How to send a eFax via Email, the Fax Manager application or the Audian User portal.
  • The maximum file size for virtual faxing is 15mb, however many email servers will block emails with files/attachments over 10mb OR 50 pages.
  • If an outbound fax fails, first call the number with your phone to see if it is bad/busy or if someone picks it up (happens all the time).
  • Using the portal method will generally give the most reliable results because we aren’t relying on an email carrier
  • Each page of a fax can take up to 5 minutes depending on the other party's fax equipment. (A 100 page fax can take up to 8 hours to send)
  • If your scan is very large, we recommend making sure it is being scanned as “black and white” not grayscale or color and in a PDF or TIFF format
  • Faxing depends on both our system and who you are sending it to working together.  If the remote system fails it will cause the fax to fail
  • Any information entered into the Subject OR Body fields of the email will be lost. Only the file attached will be sent. It is recommended that you add any needed cover letters to the file being attached.


 Email Method

In order for the service to work, you can only send faxes through an authorized email address. If you receive errors when attempting to fax please call Audian to add you to the authorized list.

  1. Open a new email and fill in the following.
    1. To: 10 Digit Number@CompanyName.Audian.com
      • The CompanyName is YOUR company's name within our system. If you do not know the specific company name, you can:
        • Call Audian to verify the name.
        • Check your welcome packet.
        • Log into the portal to verify the name in the top right.
      • Example: 8446116110@acmeinc.audian.com
    2. Subject: Doesn't matter, this information is not sent to the receiving party.
    3. Body: Should be left blank, anything typed here is not sent to the receiving party.
  2. Attach the document you would like to fax.
    • If a Cover Letter needs to be sent, this should be included in the .pdf/.tiff file that is being sent OR the Fax Manager application can be used via the Audian Portal. (See Below)
    •  Attachments may be sent in PDF and TIFF formats.
  3. Press Send.
    • Afterwards, you should receive a confirmation email.

 Fax Manager Application
  1. Login to the Audian Portal.
  2. Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
  3. Select the Fax Manager application.

  4. Select Outbound Faxes at the top.
  5. Select the preferred fax box from the drop down list of available fax boxes.
  6. Click the Send a Fax button at the top right.

  7. Enter the phone number that you would like to send the fax to.
  8. If the Create Cover Letter toggle is enabled, you will be prompted to enter the information for who the fax is for, who it is from and any cover letter message you might like.
  9. Click the Upload PDF button, select the file/s that you would like to send.
  10. Click Preview Fax.
  11. You will now be shown a preview of the fax that is to be sent, with any cover letter if selected. Click the Send Fax button at the bottom of the window.

 Audian User Portal Method

In order for this method to work an account admin must first enable the Faxbox User feature on the user wanting this service.

This is strictly a user level fax option, where a user/extension has their own personal fax number.

  1. Login to the Audian Portal.
  2. Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
  3. Select  Audian User Portal from the apps list.
  4. In the Quick Fax field, enter the fax number, and then click the Upload PDF button.

  5. Select the preferred .pdf file, and then click Send.

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