AO - How To Create an LOA Form

AO - How To Create an LOA Form




LOA’s are forms used to port your phone numbers from your old carrier over to Audian’s phone number carrier.

How To

  1. Navigate to the Setup page.

  2. Click on Step 5

    1. Steps 4 must be completed.

  3. In step 4 click on the + LOA button.

  4. Fill out the LOA Information section. This is the information regarding your current phone carrier and is usually on your phone bill.

    1. The information in this section must match 1 for 1 what you see on your bill.

  5. Press the Next button

  6. Select the numbers you want to assign to the LOA and then click the left arrow in the available numbers box to add them to the selected box.

    1. All numbers on the account must be assigned to an LOA.

  7. Press the Next button.

  8. We will verify the phone numbers are correct, if a number shows up in the invalid section you can press the back button to fix the issue.

  9. Press the Next button.

  10. The LOA form will generate, make sure everything looks correct before pressing the Create LOA button.


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