AO - How To Add Phone Numbers

AO - How To Add Phone Numbers

How To

  1. To add phone numbers navigate to the Setup page.

  2. Click on Step 3

    1. Steps 1 and 2 must be completed and the account cannot be locked.

    2. If you need to add users and the account is locked then contact the Audian Support Team.

  3. In step 3 click on the Numbers Import button.

  4. In the first step add all the numbers in the input field separated by commas.

  5. In step 2 the application will validate the phone numbers and if everything is correct you can click the next step.

    1. You do not have to set the location here. The location dropdown is only used for manual imports for numbers not being assigned to anything.

  6. Click Bulk Import to complete the process.


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