Example: Your connection is 30Mbps, and you set your Sonicwall to allocate 10% of this, so 27Mbps can be used for Data (3Mbps would be saved for VoIP). If your connection was actually only a 20Mbps connection, the Sonicwall would use all 20Mbps for Data, thinking more was available. This would essentially render all of the work you did useless! **Important** - Sonicwall does NOT work the same way with QoS as you may be used to. The QoS settings on Sonicwall are essentially there to "tag" packets or allow the tags to be there, but it does NOT actually do anything to prioritize these packets without setting up the Bandwidth Management (BWM) as below. To properly configure the Sonicwall, we will adjust settings in 3 areas after first ensuring that the firmware is up to date. (Here is a helpful video also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUbLf9qJU98) |