How To - Create a SMS Flow

How To - Create a SMS Flow


This article will show you how to do the following:

  • How to create a SMS flow
  • Edit the flows name
  • Add a number to a flow


  1. Login to the Audian portal and select the SMS app in the Apps section at the top.
  2. Click SMSflows.
  3. On the left side of the screen, click the +SMSflow.
  4. Click the edit icon in the name and number section of the flow.
  5. A popup will appear where you can edit the name.
  6. Press the Save Changes button.
    • If you would like to add a phone number then press the "Click to add number" button in the root of the flow.

      • When adding a number you can select any number on the account that is not assigned to an SMS flow.
  7. On the right side of the page in the Actions toolbar, drag and drop an action element into the root of the flow which will be highlighted in green.
  8. A flow element will appear under the root that is highlighted in blue as well as the properties window in the right-side toolbar.
  9. Fill out the properties section, and then click Apply.
    • To UNDO this addition, click Cancel.
  10. Drag and drop another action into the flow. This time you will notice a Next and Error option from the flow element that we just created.
    1. Next: Moves to this step if the step above was successful.
    2. Error: Moves to this step if the step above failed and usually acts as a catch for errors.
  11. Fill in the properties section and click Apply.
  12. Press the Save button at the top.

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