How To - Control The Conference Manager App

How To - Control The Conference Manager App


This article will show you how to do the following:

  • How to access and manage a conference call using the Conference Manager application.


  1. Login to the Audian Portal.
  2. Click the 9 square button at the top right of the screen.
  3. Select Conference Manager from the apps list.
  4. Locate your conference bridge and click the view conference icon.
  5. Manage the conference as you see fit.


  • Mute: Either mutes the participant or all the participants.
  • Deaf: Makes it so the participant cannot hear everyone else.
  • Hang Up: This will either drop everyone from the conference or a single participant.
  • Lock: This will lock the conference so no one else can enter.
  • Add to Call: Will allow you to call other people into the conference room.

Star Codes can also be used by users on the call:

  • *1 Mute/Un-Mute User: This will mute/un-mute your microphone on the conference call.
  • *4 Mute/Un-Mute Speaker: This will mute/un-mute the other users on the call.
  • *7 Hang Up: This will hang up the call for your phone only. Other callers on the conference will still be connected.

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