VVX400/401/410/411 Phone Features

VVX400/401/410/411 Phone Features


This landing page outlines all of the Polycom VVX400/401/410/411 phone features.

How To Articles:

 How To Setup Voicemail


This article will show you how to setup voicemail for the first time.

Want a professional voice greeting? These Voice Recording Vendors will be happy to assist.

  1. Press the envelope voicemail button located to the left side of the phone.
  2. The phone will ask for you to enter your password and press #.
    1. Audian Default Password: 1234
  3. The system will require that you enter in a new password and confirm it by pressing #.
  4. Next the system will request to setup your voicemail greeting.
  5. Once you have recorded your greeting you can!
    1. Press 1 to save your greeting.
    2. Press 2 to replay your greeting.
    3. Press 3 to re-record your greeting.
  6. Once you have saved your greeting you can hang up the phone.

 How To Change a Voicemail Greeting


This article explains how to change a users voicemail greeting.

  1. Press the envelope voicemail button located to the left side of the phone.
  2. Enter your password and press #
  3. Press 5 to change your greeting
    1. Press 1 to record your away greeting.
    2. Press 2 to record your name
  4. Record your greeting and press any key to stop recording.
    1. Press 1 to save your greeting.
    2. Press 2 to replay your greeting.
    3. Press 3 to re-record your greeting.

 How To Check Voicemail


This article will show you how to check voicemail.

  1. Press the House button located on the right side of the phone.
  2. Enter your PIN number
  3. Press #
 How To Enable/Disable Do Not Disturb


Do Not Disturb allows you to send calls straight to voicemail. This feature is useful when a user does not want their phone to ring.

Enabled DND is a common support call where the user is not receiving inbound calls. To resolve the issue verify that DND is disabled.

  1. Press the DND soft-key located on the middle right of the screen.
    1. Notice that a phone icon will appear on the top right of the screen.
  2. Press the DND soft-key again to disable it.
    1. The phone icon will disappear.
      • You can toggle the button tell you see the phone icon and then press it one more time to disable it.

 How To Make a 3 Way Call


This article will show you how to place a 3 way call.

  1. Press New Call
  2. Dial the phone number or ext
  3. Press Send
  4. Place the call on Hold
  5. Press New Call and dial the next phone number or ext.
  6. Press More
  7. Press Join and both calls will join together.
    1. Press Split to separate the 2 calls and then use the up and down arrow to highlight the caller you want to talk to followed by the Resume soft-key on the left.
 How To Park a Call


This article outlines how to park a call and retrieve a call.

You can also park calls by putting a call on hold and transferring the call to *31 or *32.

  1. While on an active call, press the Transfer button.
  2. Dial the desired parking space, *31, for Park 1, *32 for Park 2, etc..
  3. Press Transfer again.


  1. While on an active call, press the desired Parking Spot speed dial key on your phone.
 How To Place a Call on Hold


This article will show you how to place a call on hold.

  1. Once on a call is established the Hold soft-key will appear on the phone.
  2. Press the Hold soft-key to place the call on hold.
  3. Press Resume to take the call off hold.

 How To Setup Forwarding


This article outlines how to setup call forwarding on a VVX410.

Setting up forwarding on the phone can only be disabled from the phone.

  1. Press the forward soft-key.
  2. Select one of the forwarding options by pressing up and down on the navigation pad the Select soft-key.
    1. Call Forward Always: This will forward all incoming calls to the forwarding number programmed in the phone.
    2. Call Forward No Answer: This will forward calls if the user does not answer the phone.
    3. Call Forward Busy: This will forward the call if the user is on a call and a incoming call comes in.
  3. Enter the number you would like to forward to.
    1. Press the << soft-key button to delete an existing number.
  4. Press the Enable soft-key to confirm the forwarding number and enable the feature.
    1. To Disable forwarding follow steps 1-2 and press the soft-key on the right that says Disable.
 How To Transfer Calls


This article will show you how to transfer calls. There are two types of call transfers which are Live and Blind.

  • Live Transfers allow you to talk to the extension you dialed before you press the Transfer button.
  • Blind Transfers allow you to transfer the call to the extension quickly if you do not need to talk to them before transferring.
  1. Answer the incoming call
  2. Put the call on Hold using the left soft-key button.
  3. Press the Transfer button
    1. To do a Blind transfer press the Blind button.
  4. Enter the extension you want to transfer to.
  5. Press Send to dial the ext then wait for the phone to ring.
    1. If you used Blind transfer the phone will not ring and the call will transfer before disconnecting your line.
  6. Press Transfer

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